

may 4 - waffle [04.05.2004 @ 10:15]

errily enough, this morning's horoscope talks about communication, and how i'm recieving very unexpected messages -"All kinds of communications you've been waiting impatiently for will finally, suddenly turn up in your mailbox.."
and considering yesterday's 3 emails from sam, i think it's pretty spot on.
"...the one outside your door and the one on your desk. Don't ignore the answering machine, or emails, either...".

it's strange how sometimes, these things just really hit home..because hearing from her yesterday was unexpected..but the last email i recieved from her last night kinda knocked me on my ass..
only because it was a little..errr..nice. and she said nice things that i really didn't imagine ever hearing from her again..so yeah..

hopefully work today will be as laid back as it was last nite...it's weird...the student i had last nite was one of MY preceptors when i did a placement at the local psych ward about 2 years ago...it's just weird knowing how much she taught me back then, and now it is me teaching her stuff in this setting..
but anyway..

i am still madly downloading all of P!NK's mucis videos from kazaa..and although my laptop is probably now full-o-trojans, i dont care because it means that i am getting to perve on her whenever the feeling takes me...yes yes, i'm a sad individual...but i embrace my sadness so i dont care *laughs*..she's so hot...i really need to print up some of the pix from the concert.

so yesterday after writing this, i curled up in bed and cried and cried and cried like i hadn't cried for quite a while now..yes..i cried about her and the love we lost and blah blah blah..but then afterwards, i got up to go to the toilet and found that *surprise surprise* i had my period..no wonder i had turned into such a blubbering idiot..and, really, i was quite relieved to see that it was my hormones that were making me crazy..and i wasn't really some depressed freak of nature, afterall..
normally i'm not so enthusiastic about bleeding for 4 days...but i was just relieved to know that my out-of-nowhere sadness wasn't all about sam..phew...so i haven't really set myself back 3 months..

enough babble...i should go get ready for work and take my mother out for lunch.

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