

mar 27 - more babble [27.03.2005 @ 20:00]

oh how i love the end of daylight savings...
not only does it mean that the sun goes down earlier (i much prefer the dark), but it means that summer-time is well and truely over and winter is on it's way..

i love winter..
i love that feeling of being cold and having to rug up and snuggle in bed in order to stay warm. of course i dont really enjoy both driving to and arriving home from work in the dark - but it's a small price to pay to be able to spend each and every spare hour curled up in bed with a good dvd/book.

speaking of books..
i'm heading to ali's tomorrow after work to pick my the last of my things. i've been putting it off for months now, but i know her mother is coming to victoria soon so i really want my things out of there before she arrives. i dont know how much ali has told her about us and what went on, so i dont want anything laying around that might prompt any questions what ali possibly wouldn't want to answer. not only that, but i just want my things so that i can close this bizarre chapter.
she's going to be on a night shift tomorrow which means that the our paths will cross at handover. ugh..the last two times we've had opposite shifts we've pretty much just ignored each other and i dont imagine that tomorrow night will be any different.
i do want to talk to her, though...i dont want to leave things like this. but i suspect that she doesn't see anything as being wrong, so it really wouldn't matter anyway.
bloody cancerians.

i was going to go for a walk about town, but now i just wanna curl up and sleep.
i'm not really tired, but i forsee a busy week ahead of me, so i should catch up on counting sheep while i can.

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