

mar 18 - her [18.03.2005 @ 17:33]

listening to - "when you were mine" ani di franco

it's funny...

when i had her, i wanted someone else...
and now that i dont have her, she consumes every waking thought..every single part of my being.

it's as if the universe is saying "you found utopia, but wanted to live in the 'burbs instead...so now you can stay in limbo and suffer for eternity you lil fucker.."


i really need to go back to my shrink.
or get laid.
cuz all these crazy thoughts are just..well..crazy.

and what makes it even worse, is there's a totally adorable chick out there who is probably oh-so-very right for me, and i can't do a damned thing about it. at least not until the memory of the girl with the golden hair fades.

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