

feb 3 - bitching [2004-02-03 @ 6:11 p.m.]

it's been a while..and so much has happened but i can't be fucked bitching about it..

basically...sam and i aren't together..
(what's new, eh?)

my trip to sydney was more fucked up than even i could have imagined..

and my goddamned roster has me working on the day of midsumma carnival..*grrrr*

does it get any fucking worse??

actually..i shouldn't be so melodramatic and negative..work isn't too bad..apart from the fact i have to do 170kms round trip each day (and am getting up at five) it's nice knowing that i'm finally getting money to actually clean up piss and shit..and that i'm not just doing it cuz i'm a student and i "have to"... now if only i had someone to spend my money on..bleh..

anyway..i have a job interview at the jail tomorrow..

wish me luck.

quote of the day : "fuck off..come back when you're interesting"

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