

oct 7 - tired [2003-10-07 @ 1:30 a.m.]

i worked my ass off all nite last nite and got my community take home exam handed in today...approximately 2,800 words of pure dribble...but god i hope i get a credit (or above)..
unfortunately, no sooner did i hand it in then i had to start work on my prespecialisation take home exam...uuggghhh...i'm so over it all..
i've been writing all day like a mad woman..well...except for the 2 hours that linnie came over and kidnapped me and took me away from all this academic insanity...it's madness i tell you, MaDnesS!!!!..

so i went out with linnie tonite...and somethings never change. we used to get in a car together and have so little idea of where we were heading that we'd simply drive around and around round abouts until one of us (usually moi) needed to puke..and tonite was no different. well..there was only one roundabout involved - but we still had no idea where we were heading...so we scooted back and forth across town...headed to the old cemetary...but lin wouldn't get out of the car for fear of brown snakes...*laughing*..i think someone forgot to tell her it wasn't summer...*L*..she's such a ditz sometime...cute...but ditzy...but always good value.
after a while of driving around, we headed out to the hospital to visit a mate of ours who'se been in there a few days now...and it was good..
as always, i love spending time with and offloading on linda..and i always feel like i've learned something new from each encounter..

so yeah..

i'm heading back to melbourne tomorrow to spend some time with the grrl...i won't deny the fact that some stuff between her and i needs working on...but i also wont keep secret that i love her and am glad we decided to give it another go... *smiles*...

anyway...my assignment (or is it bed???) is calling...

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