

august 4 - sleepless [2003-08-04 @ 12:09 a.m.]

i went to bed at about 7 this arvo because the weekend had finally caught up to me..
only problem is, now i'm wide awake...ack...and i have 9more hours before uni starts..

so i came online and checked my email, and found one of those FWD: have tissues close by emails in my in box. actually, it'd been there for a few days, and i'd been ignoring it. so i opened it.
i normally delete shit like that instantly...but i thought "nah..who it's from is ok, so it's prolly some lovely sappy oh-it's-so-cute email"..but it wasn't...it was a "people who ignored this email lost everything they loved and died..so pass it on...or end up like them" email..
i'm not superstitious..but what if i was...could you imagine the trauma it would have caused me reading that..and then having to choose 10 other so-called friends to pass the evil on to??
so i emailed her, telling her (not-so-fucking-politely) to fuck offf and never email me again..then i went to delete the email..and thought, no, i'd better pass it on - cuz i dont wanna tempt fate and jinx myself...
so i did..
i forwarded it back to this chick 10 times..and then put her on block-and-delete mode..

i hate forwards at the best of times..
but when they're *supposed* to bring bad luck, well i just think that's fucking wrong in all kindsa ways...
...so please people, no bad luck forwards for moi, ok? because it will just make me block you and hate you and want to stab you in the eyeballs with something blunt..

now with that said..


hopefully i can get some sleep soon...because really...i don't wanna be wrecked again tomorrow. i have so much uni work to do, and so little time..mind you, i didn't touch any of it over the weekend - so when it's getting close to my due dates and i'm almost having a stroke - please remind me that it's my own fault....hahaha....will i ever learn???

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