

july 2 - more shit [2003-07-02 @ 9:20 p.m.]

starting music = 'get my rocks off' - marilyn manson

fuck it..

yesterday was my sisters 32nd birthday and i fucking forgot...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...

i've been saying fuck a lot lately...must be these fucking clinicals..eh?

well it's 9:20pm and my grrl isn't home *sighing*...i'm wrecked and wanna go to bed, but i dont wanna fall asleep and be all grumpy or dozy when she gets here.
these antisocial hours suck...i was up at 5 and outta the house by 6 this morning...and i prolly wont see her until 10...normally i like early shifts cuz i can rush home and be here before she is...but tonite she had some work trivia thing to go to...but yeah...i miss her...

things here are pretty wonderful...like...extremely wonderful...i don't think we've ever been more happy and content..
and it fucking rocks..

but yeah...i'm schickered...so i'ma gonna go to bed.

starting music = 'spoonman' - soundgarden

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last five

jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble