

july 2 - shitty day [2003-07-02 @ 7:31 p.m.]

starting music: "before the dawn" - evanescense

fuck what a long day it's been..


next time i say "oh i love nursing and really love my clinicals" - please, remind me of the last 10 days.
cuz it sucks.
if it wasn't for the fact that i need to finish this placement to graduate and head down the path to forensicare, i'd leave tomorrow..

it bites ass..


speaking of ass...i'm just not made for cleaning them.

not at all..

today, i was bending over some guys bed, wiping his ass, and it hit me "dannielle, this is not for you"..
and so it isn't.

please people, pray for me that i get into forensicare. because i got the actual *letter* from them yesterday saying "blah blah blah...it's nice to see someone as passionate about mental health as you..."..."blah blah blah..we will arrange a time for an interview at a later date"...yippee..it really made my day..

but yeah..

i dont wanna be a ward nurse at all ever never ever at all *adamantly shaking my head like a 4year old who wont eat her brussel sprouts*..



this entry had a point (other than nursing)...it really did...

i'll be back later once i figure it out.

ending music: "mOBSCENE" - marilyn manson

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble