

june 29 - hurt [2003-06-28 @ 12:04 p.m.]

so i still haven't gone to bed yet, but i will be doing so, soon..

my belly ache has gone, and my eyes are feeling really heavy...so i'm guessing i should have gone already rather than add another entry.

i've been playing around with my diary since i last wrote (mind you, the changes i've made are pretty time, so i doubt anyone but me would notice)...and i've also been re-reading through a lot of old entries..

one recurring theme is the resentment i feel about my mother not respecting my relationship with the grrl...
i just finished reading THIS entry..and it's so similar to the things i'm feeling now...and it shits me when i'm reminded of this lack of recognition and respect towards my *very serious* relationship with the grrl...fuck me...
if we were a straight couple, we'd so be married right now...in fact, both the grrl and i often comment on that.
only we're not straight, we're a pair of pussy lickin queer chicks who will probably never get recognition or respect of the majority...

but i dont want that..

i dont give a fuck about what the *majority* thinks of the grrl and i, and how we choose to live and love.

but what i do care about is what those closest to me (including my mother) think...and i know that she doens't think much of my relationship, or my girlfriend...and that's a damn shame.

because to love me, means you needa love (or at the very least, 'like') my girlfriend...otherwise i won't want you loving either or us.

i am a package deal, people...have been for a while now...and will continue to do so for many more moons to come.

so if anyone out there knows my mother, please, please knock some sense into her. because on this particular topic, i WILL NOT come around.
it's times like this i really wish my dad was here..he'd bring the old dragojn around...*sighs*

now...now that that little rant's off my chest...it's really time to go wrap myself around her.

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