

june 18 - the countdown [2003-06-18 @ 1:05 p.m.]

*thought from the top of my head*
i hate it when i log into diaryland, and i can't add an entry cuz i'm a poor-ass student who can't afford to go gold right now, and i get that dreaded "If you are reading this, the new database servers are extra-loaded and you'll have to wait a minute and try again" (which translates to "we're so sorry you're poor, but you can't update just yet" message)
uuggghhh *kicks the table*..
cuz i always lose my train of thought when i see that message..and i'm sure i had something wonderful to write..

oh well..

so for those who are interested, my exam went swimmingly well..heh..swimmingly is such a cute word...(yes, you know who you are)..
and to top it off, after the exam i went and saw my lecturer who gave me back my assignment. at first, when i walked into her office she gave me this "oh you'd better sit down" look that someone gives you right before they tell you that their dog ate your cat...and i was thinking "oh no, the mere 4 hours work that i put into this piece of writing is showing"..but it turns out that the "oh no" look she does so well is just her usual facial expression..anyway...where i'm going with this is i got a distinction...wooohoooo....2 distinctions from her so far (one was 17.5/20, and the other was 72/100)...which really means that now i dont have to worry at all about how well i did on her exam, cuz i only need 5 more marks to get an overall pass... wooOoOo0OohHho0Oo0ooh...i swear, if i had a swivel chair right now i'd spin.

on an almost-as-high note, i sent off my application to forensicare before. which is another weight off my mind. it was sitting there on my desk, staring at me, waiting to be filled in, when last nite inspiration struck and i wrote about 200words on "why i want to work there"..basically i babbled, but god-damn it was good babble! now lets just hope that the selections officer thinks i'm as good as i do...hahaha..

now..for the pin that's going to pop my pretty red balloon. tomorrow.
tomorrow is my biggest exam so far.
tommorow will kinda make or break my year.
tomorrow is my huge-as-fuck, 3hour nursing exam..
and i'm so not preparred.
it's been so hard to study for it over the last few days with my science and transitions exams looming over head. and now, now i only have 20 hours left to cram a semesters worth of knowledge in. please people, send me some of those smart-vibes..

the other nite, the grrl and i were in bed and she was quizzing me on my transitions stuff, and it really helped. god i wish i was going to be at home with her tonite, because i think if she (or anyone) were to quiz me, i'd surprise myself with what i know. at the moment, i'm going over a previous year's exam (and am attempting to learn it word-for-word) and i'm going to go through all of my objectives. which, if you didn't know, is a hella lot of work to cram in to a few hours.

the scary thing with nursing prac exams is, while we may think that we know our shit, something unexpected always pops up and knocks us on our asses. and given my poor assignment result (69%), i really need to do pretty damn well on this exam to keep my distinction averave above water.
yes people, i'm an anal-retentive results freak..

speaking of being analy-retentive...i was just checking out muff reviews and i wanna be critiqued, goddamnit!

anyway...i need to go hit these damn books...
2 more exams...14 more actual on-campus contact days...3 more assignments - and i'm outta here...

*and so the count-down begins*

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