

may 30 - more sickness [2003-05-30 @ 9:43 a.m.]

during the last 24hour period, i think i have spent roughly 17 asleep, and 2 in the bathroom - no, this stomach bug is still here...

so my stomach is queasy, i'm not keeping any fluids and solids in, and i'm obviously dehydrated. i took my blood pressyre this morning and it was 105/75. it normally sits arond the 110/80 range, so given my current physiological status i am a little bit worried.
if this was anyone else, i would be suggesting that they take themselves to the nearest hospital and get checked out. but really, i don't have the energy to go anywhere. and if it wasn't for a wrong number calling my mobile just after 9.30 i would probably still be in bed, too..

the grrl went to work today. she was contemplating staying home so that i could terrorize her, but she decided to go in instead. i dont blame her though, cuz i'm a sooky lil ass when i'm sick. all whingy and whiney and "hug me, hug me, hug me"...(her hugs always make me feel better, even if it's only for a few minutes)...really, i give good care when others are sick - but i wouldn't even want to care for someone like me..
i'd probably euthanase someone like me..heh..

anyway, it seems as if my daily energy expenditure is already up....mmmm....so much for my studying and finishing off my assignment today....

really....if i'm still like this tomorrow, i'll be taking myself off to the hospital.

ps - thanks hedge :)

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