

may 10 - sneezes [2003-05-10 @ 10:54 a.m.]

i *aaahhh
can't *ahhhHHhhh
stop *aaaAaaaAHaaAHhhh*

and it's driving me fucking nuts!

for the last week, i've done nothing but sneeze, and this morning, because of it, i woke up with the worst headache *ouchies*..

and before, i let out about 15huge chest-wrenching ones in a row and god, it was painful..
there is that urban-legend/myth/great-fat-lie that goes about about how any more than 10sneezes in a row can be too enjoyable - anyone else heard that??
well, let me say that the last 15i let out probably would have made me pass out had they been enjoyable...

so my grrl isn't here at the moment. she's out doing the aunt thing and taken her neph to swimming lesosns. i should have gone, but apart from the chlorine+heated room=pass out factor, i dont think my sneezing/aching head would have been able to hold up. but i would have been such fun watching the boy splash around. he's so damned adorable...just a miniture version of his aunt...

but yeah..
today, the grrl and i are going to finally go and see daredevil. i think this wek or next week it the last week it's going to show, so hopefully we'll have the cinema all to ourselves *eyebrow waggle*...and hopefully she'll help me get rid of my headache..
ooo0oO0Ooo0oohhHHh..*achooooooooooooooooooo*... <-- now that one was enjoyable *wink*

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