

may 4 - hmmmmmm [2003-05-04 @ 1:15 p.m.]

i made an entry earlier on today...about how " the last few days in melbourne with the grrl have been absolutely fantastic...we haven't really done much, but maybe that why it's been so great.."

but i should have known that even writing something like that would have been pushing my luck..
within half an hour of making that entry, she'd had another of her usual schitzophrenic episodes, and i was packing my bags and heading back to mums..
she fucking infuriates me..
but what makes it worse, is her little temper tantrums are totally unwarranted..
she got out of the shower before and asked me if i wanted to walk to knox...and after almost dying yesterday from period pain, i reluctantly replied "no"..well fuck me for being human...anyone would have thought i had just deprived her of air or something, because she found my unwillingness reason enough to have a go at me..
then..if that wasnt bad enough..she yelled at me for turning the tv back on, stating "so now you're going to waste electricity"..and then she stormed out.
well fuck her and her electricity...i SMS'd her calling her a schitzophrenic tightass, and i packed my bags and left.

i know i run..
i run each and every time..
but i'm not going to stay to deal with her attitude. i already cop enough attitude..and i'll be fucked if i'm gonna voluntarily sign up for more.

i did, however, think she would have called by now...but she's too fucking stubborn for that..besides, she'll be sitting at home chatting online thinking and telling people how it's all my fault, coz i'm the stubborn little sook who ran off..
well she can get fucked..and i am not going back without an apology.

i'm an adult..and her partner, goddamnit, and if i dont fucking wanna walk 4k's to the shopping centre during my period, then fuck me if i'm gonna.


and we were having such a nice morning...

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