

december 27 [2001-12-27 @ 9:17a.m.]

god i hate it when the girl has to head back to work of a morning...all i wanted to do today was just lay in bed and snuggle up behind her.

oh well...i guess it'll have to wait until the weekend.

linnie and chris came over and had dinner with the girl and i last nite, and it was great.

it was great that i was in a room with these 2 women who mean so very much to me [for very different reasons].
at one point, the girl and linnie were sitting on the couch yakking, and i was sitting on the recliner across the room, and i was just thinking "this is how it's supposed to be"
maybe linnie was right...maybe the only reason i ever got with her was to fulfill some whacked-out queer oedepus complex...but whatever the reason, she's still a great friend who's pretty damned important to me - and it means alot that the girl gets along with all of my friends...and linda is no exception.

but whatever the case...linda is a big part of my past...and hopefully the girl will remain a big part of my future.

....who's beginning to think her new years resolution is going to be to delete this diary

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble