

apr 7 - more thoughts [07.04.2005 @ 10:22]

aahhh....two sleep ins in a row!!! i could get used to this..

so the spunk is flying off to queensland this morning for a family wedding..and i've got to say, i already feel like i miss her.

although it wont really be any different to usual - as we can still email/sms/talk on the phone..it's just the knowing that she is physically so far away that sucks.
and i can't just jump in my car and go visit her *sigh*..
it's not that bad, though..because she will be back on tuesday (just 5 more days..just 5 more days)...and then on the weekend we are off to philip island for some quality time together. so i have something to look forward to *does a lil happy dance*.

it's weird..because it's been a very long time since i've felt this way about someone..sure, there have been girls since sam. but i've not felt like this with any of them. i've not craved them. sure they've all beeen nice and i've wanted to spend time with them and whatnot. but this is different. this is me actually wanting to be within arms distance of someone. me wanting to hear their voice. wanting to see their name on my computer screen. at first i was a little scared about this because the last person that i felt this way about was sam. i'm not scared about it, anymore, though - afterall, what is scary with feeling so good about someone??

last night when i got home from work she came online and we had a long chat. about how we felt about each other and how we'd like to see where this heads. normally, hearing/readind someone say something like that would have me shutting down my computer, changing my phone numbers, and heading for the hills. but instead, i felt relieved that she felt exactly the same way that i do. it was also refreshing being able to be so open with someone. normally i keep my cards very close to my chest for fear of hurt/rejection/whatever..but with her, there's none of that.
i want to get to know her, and i want her to get to know me.
in the past when i've met someone that i've thought was nice, i've always found some silly little flaw that has caused me to lose all interest (ie - i've needed an excuse to pack up my heart and run away before things get to close)..but here, now, for the first time in a very long time i'm not wanting to do that. i want to open up and invite her in in a way that i've only done with two others..so yeah..i think i'm pretty much hooked on this one *smiling*..

so this morning i'm heading into town early to catch up with a work colleague. we spent 3 years at uni together studying for our BN and spoke maybe 3 times (what can i say, i'm an ignorant little tart)..and now that we're working together we've become mates. it's funny how you can spend years and years with someone and not even get ot know their middle name - but then the environment changes and suddenly you find yourself having brunch with them *laughs*..so yeah..i should go and iron my uniform.

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