

oct 27 - near miss [27.10.2004 @ 21:59]

when i got home this afternoon, ali asked me if i'd learnt anything interesting today.

i told her i had.

today i learnt that there is a god and he has no room for me in his kingdom just yet.

this morning on my way to work, it was raining like a bitch..and as i was turning onto the freeway and i lost control of my car. i wasn't speeding, or doing anything that i shouldn't have been doing. but instead of going around the bend like i have done a thousand times, i spun out of control and did two 360's. at least i think it was two. cuz i remember seeing the same car go past me twice on the highway.
i know it only took a few seconds, but it seemed as if i was spinning for ages.
it was weird, cuz instead of trying to steer out of it or brake, i simply shut my eyes and waited for the inevitable. only it didn't happen.
instead of crashing to my death like i thought i would, my car simply stopped. in the middle of the exit. facing the oncoming traffic.
it was pretty trippy.
especially given how many poles, trees, and other big, hard objects run along side the highway, it's amazing i didn't get killed..or at least injured.
not that i'm disappointed *L* cuz i'm really not a fan of pain.
but yeah..
afterwards, once i regained my composure, i stopped to check my tyres. it turns out that the rear passenger-side tyre only had 12 pounds of pressure in it...no wonder i spun the way i did. but it could have been worse. i could have had a blow out while doing 110kms along side a truck...cuz that really would have sucked ass.
so all i can say is someone upstairs is watching over me. and whoever it is doesn't want me to join them just yet..

on a much brighter note, i've decided that i'm definately going to take monday off and head up to albury to visit the chicky. i have been feeling a bit strange about calling in sick 2 weeks into a new rotation, but after today's horoscope (and my near miss), i figured "what the hell"

Aquarius Daily Horoscope
by Astrology.com
"What's wrong with taking a day off unexpectedly? Nothing, if you can manage it without putting an end to your paycheck. Call your favorite partner in crime, and take off for parts unknown."
sounds like a bloody good plan to me..

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