

jun 8 - slept in? [08.06.2004 @ 15:42]

i just woke up with the biggest fright...
forgetting about the 12-hour thing and no-longer-existence of afternoon shifts, i was worrying about how i was going to explain to the unit manager that i'd only just woken up and was going to be almost 1.5hours late to work..heh...so here i was rushing around like a chook with my head cut off, when it hit me..
"you're such a fucking idiot, dannii...go back to bed for 3 hours"..*laughs*...but not before i got to (1) check out this venus/sun thing (now i'm seeing spots for trying to find the shadow in the sun, thankyouverymuch), and (2) checking my email...what can i say...i'm a geek at heart...

so now that i'm half blind (thank to the sun)...half full (thanks to all the chocolate)...and able to still get 3 more hours of quality nap time - i'm off to bed *yawns again*...

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