

may 8 - dating [08.05.2004 @ 13:02]

i have a date..*grins*..

yes indeedy, boys and girls..a real date..with a real girl..how very exciting..hahaha...

actually, i was supposed to go meet this chick on thursday when i was in melbourne, but alison came home from work sick (heh) so i cancelled my date and we went and got pierced together, instead..

but anyway..

i have an actual DATE..well..i shouldn't use that term - cuz it's really just gonna be dinner, a movie, and some kinky-assed bondage/strap on sex! *L*..well..actually..i was informed that i have a 65% chance of getting sex *L*..so those odds are good...better than the none that i usually get...hahaha...too fucking funny..

i know i swore off internet chicks, but i can't help myself..
she sounds so kinky, and randy and perverted - just like me *eyebrow waggle*..

and she's not looking for a relationship, either...which is always good..

so yeah..

i'm looking forward to my next little adventure...because i have a feeling that i may be on the path to meeting my match.

totally off topic...my piercing is healing nicely...not an infection in site..in fact, it's going so well that it doesn't even hurt...which is always a good sign.
photos will come soon..
(but probably not before i do)

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