

mar 14 - sex toys [2004-03-14 @ 9:24 a.m.]

so on my way home from the hospital last nite, i pulled off the highway and decided to stop by the local club x..and can you believe, that at 11:30 on a saturday night, the bloody place was closed??
i mean..i should have known cuz it was all dank and dark...but i thought that sex stores were supposed to be dank and dark..sheesh...so yeah...i was a tad disappointed, cuz i was looking forward to increasing my number of battery operated friends *laughs*...if for nothing else than the heck of it..
so yeah..bummer..i will have to go shopping with alison next time i am in melb. her and i have gone to sex stores a few times, but we never buy anything...so yeah..*makes mental note* "must go on a sex toy shopping spree soon"..


on a heavier note...my old great-uncle was admitted to hospital yesterday...and last nite (also on my way home from the hospital) mum called me and asked me to pop in to our local hospital to check up on him...which i did...and he wasn't even there. so there i was standing in the ED getting all irky and irritated cuz the dumb bitch kept asking me how to spell his name (which has 3 letters, mind you) and she was like "oh no we dont have him here"...so yeah...i was double disappointed on my way home last nite...but obviously, for 2 very different reasons...

when i did get home...i got online (obviously) and ended up having a pretty good chat with dooz..you know, skank whore?? she's not as bad anymore as she used to be..partly because i dont realy give a rats if she's in love with sam...and partly cuz she's just not really as bad anymore. sometimes, when we chat, i forget that i've known dooz a lot longer than i've known sam..and there was a stage when we were actually quite good mates...and yeah...she is pretty cluey and mostly always had good advice. i think she was stunned at how much my thoughts on sam have changed..but what can i say, theres only so much shit a person can take before completely giving up.
and i have completely given up..
sam has crossed the line one (or is it 86) too many times with me and i'm over it. so she can have her boy with his motorbike..and she can fuck with his head and make his life a complete nightmare...and buy a house with a white picket fence and reproduce and have 3.6children and make her life complete *smiling*...i'm not bitter...just sick of people not being open and honest with me, is all...as a friend recently put so well "Don't say anything if what comes from your mouth is not the truth, okay?"...
anyway...kinda moing on...
i sms'd her yesterday asking if she wanted to catch up sometime (to try with the friends thing) and she was like "oh no i'm not ready to see you yet"...which is fine with me...because by the time she is interested i will be uninterested and that will work just nicely i think.
i have a box of stuff at her place and i'm currently contemplating whether or not to just tell her to keep it...but i dunno...i should try to *arrange* for a time to go and get it so that it's out of her hair...but knwoing her she'll make it a diffcult (if not impossible) time and i'll get narky and end up telling her to just shove it up her ass, anyway..i think i have all of the important things from there, so that's ok..
but yeah...bygones..

i was supposed to go into the jail today...not *officially*...but just to see how a different section ran...but after not getting offline until 2am..and then having my alarm go off at 6...i thought better of it and rolled over again and had the best sleep in..which was nice..and well earned...and seeings as i have all early shifts for the next few days it was probably a wise move on my part.
i'm looking forward to starting on the medical ward on tuesday but i'm kinda a little anxious because i have no idea what to expect there..i know i didn't like the medical ward at LRH..but yeah...that's probably not a very fair comparison...so i guess i shall wait and see..
and really..at the end of the day it's only a 2 month long rotation...and i've put up with much worse evil shit for longer than 2 months...so i can probably survive anything..*smirk*..

i'm just glad to be away from that nursing home. not cuz of the oldies...cuz i've grown quite fond of them...but cuz of the asshole staff members...god i hope i get to go back there one time as a div1 to boss all the lil bullies around..heh..that'd show 'em..

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