

feb 10 - babble [2004-02-10 @ 5:46 p.m.]

it's my birthday tomorrrow..

in less than 7 hours, i will no longer be 25...and rather, on the downhill slide to 30...
and i can't wait..
not because i want cards and presents (apart from my mum, i doubt i will get many of either)...but because 25 still seems such a young age..so immature..like i still have an excuse to act irresponsible, becasue i am still *young*..but not after tomorrow i wont be (although, no age will really prevent me from acting like a total doofus).
at the moment..at work..i just feel so young. like...i'm not just "dannii the grad"...but also "young dannii"...only because i look like i'm 19 and most of the staff think that i'm about 21 or 22..
not that i wanna look all old and wrinkley...but i really dont wanna look like an adolescent anymore..

enough of that..
i was a bit bummed that i'm working tomorrow..because...i've spent my last few birthdays at home wrapped up around sam..and this year..i wont be wrapped up around anyone (unless i pay them first..which really wouldn't be that bad..)

mmm...this entry is heading somewhere where i dont want it to...so i think i'll stop while i'm a head..

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble