

feb 9 - fun [2004-02-09 @ 11:18 a.m.]

i have been so whiney and whingey and pathetic lately...and now it's starting to embarass me..

so what i had a suckey relationship?
so what my break up sucked ass?
it's not like i'm the only grrl on the planet to have had hear beart broken...and it's not like it's even the first time this has happened to me..
but i am being a sooky-la-la and for some reason i am dwelling..
i have been hard done by and i wanted everyone to know about it goddamnit..

but i dont feel like that anymore.

the more sam is the way whe is, the more i know i am better off. i'm not saying that to diss her or anything, but it's true.
some people will never change..and sam is one of those unfortunate few. or maybe she's not in the minority. maybe there are too many people out there that refuse to change..
but whatever..

i have big plans for the newt few weeks..
and while i am not going to be jumping on the relationship bandwagon again for a very long time...i am gonna head out and get myself some fun.
starting saturday..*giggle*
on the weekend i made plans with linda, janine and joh (renee is *loaning* her to me for the weekend *laughs*) for all of us to go and play at the glassy on saturday nite..followed by the midsumma carnival day on the sunday.
but i just realised i have been rostered on for saturday nite...d'oh!..but i will be swapping that shift and going out to play on the saturday night even if i have to feign grief over the death of my non-existent great aunt bethyl...hehehe...i know i'm an ass...but i dont care...
i need to go out and have some drinks, laughs and fun..
it's good to have supportive mates...even renee has been great considering our sketchy past.
i was talking to lin and nene about sam the other nite..and renee was there..and sometimes i forget that she went through a similarly bad break-up with sam...but it is nice to know that someone else understands the bullshit and i'm not just being melodramatic like i am prone to being...*laughs*..
anyway...it's almost 11:30..and i wanna get into town and get myself some lunch before my shift starts at 2:30...bleh..
work has been good tho...if for no other reason than being a fantastic distraction...and i get to work with some totally spunky-ass young nurses....*eyebrow waggle*..yes i am thinking with my clitty again...

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