

feb 5 - awful [2004-02-05 @ 5:27 p.m.]

any opinion i had of that psycho whore just dropped a whole lot..

again...we were SMS'ing...because we're not in a REAL enough relationship to actually communicate in person (which is part of why i actually wanted to live with her...so we could be a real couple and stop having to rely on technology to communicate)...
so we were sms'in about money and the money i owe her (about $100)..and i was like
"oh i knew it'd turn into money..if i pay you i'll probably never hear from you again"
her: "is that the kind of person you think i am?"
me: "yes, because all you think about is money"
her: "stick then money you owe me up your ass"
her: "and while i'm at it, how about i report that someone put a trip to tasmania on MY credit card that i didn't know about"
me: "yeah, you'd be enough of a cunt to do that"


she is such a fucking low lifed cunt of a whore..that she would actually stoop so low as to try and get me into trouble with the cops...over $100...
i can't believe it..
i can't believe i would love someone THAT vile..someone that fucking disgusting...that she would even CONTEMPLATE making up something like that...to get me in trouble...
not bad considering the only bad thing i've ever really done is simply want to love her..

she can go fuck herself now for all i care..

i have no time for people that awful.

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