

dec 18 - babble [2003-12-18 @ 1:09 a.m.]

i have recently come to realize that i do not have enough "i-got-drunk-and-slept-with-a-boy" stories...hahahaha...i mean...well...obviously the lesbian in me keeps those stories (and events) to a minimum...but i think they'd be fuckin funny stories to tell all my dyke mates over dinner...
well maybe not all my mates...but i think kate and ant would definately appreciate the funny-ass mental images that such stories would inspire...iand i know i'd sure enjoy the humor such stories would bring....but yeah...not that i wanna go out and bonk boys strangely enough, that's not where this entry is heading, ratheri just find such stories humerous...

but enough of that..

so i'm kickin back in bed...tv on...pepsi and cold hawaiian pizza on my bed side table...and new laptop on mylap...heh...i think this is the closest to heaven that i've been in a while. if i had have known the benefits of laptops earlier, i would have begged mum for one years ago!!...
cuz really..
this rocks!..

anyway...i think i've babbled enough shit for one day...i realy needa go find something a lil more constructive to do - like change thi damned layout back...god it looks awful on this screen...

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble