

dec 1 - interpret [2003-12-01 @ 10:54 p.m.]

fuck i'm a whingey whiney lil cunt in here sometimes..*laughing*..

always on about my "hurt feelings" and what not..
when really, 99 times out of 100 i wouldn't have any hurt feelings if i wasn't so oversensitive and didn't misinterpret things...

i read back on my last few entries...about how everything truely is perfect with the grrl...then in my last one i'm whining because i misinterpreted something and got all upset and hurt by a god damned tone of voice..

i'm pathetic sometimes..hehe..
afterall, if the worst my girlfriend can do to me is take on a tone that i don't completely interpret, then i really don't have i hard at all..

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