

oct 26 - nite shift [2003-10-26 @ 2:34 p.m.]

i had a short shift at the jail on thursday nite, so as soon as it ended at 4pm, i was in my car and on the highway heading for the grrl..god i was so tired..and the thought of 3 hours in the car really wasn't doing it for me - but i knew i'd just die if i didn't get to see her..and i'm glad i went.

thursday nite was so great...we have a new couch and it's so big and soft and wonderful and we just spent hours snuggled up on it watching tv..
the weekend was great, too..lots more talking...lots more snuggling and tv watching...lots of everything and it was really great.
unfortunately, i have a 12-hour night shift at the jail tonite, so i had to leave the grrl first thing this morning so i could get back here and sleep before my 6pm start. i would have loved to have stayed home with her..and slept there in our bed...but i knew that the 3hour drive back really would have taken too much out of me..

i was thinking lots on the drive back to mum's this morning...about how next year i will be working down here in gippsland..ad how that means another year of long-distance lovin with the grrl..not that i mind..i mean, it seems as if we're stable enough these days to pull that off..but i really would like to move back in with her properly..and not have to leave every few days for a few days at a time. next year, if i work things out right, i may be able to do 6 or 8 days in a row - and spend the remainder of the fortnight in melbourne with my grrl...if not, it's only a 2 hour drive that will be between us. which really, isn't anything at all (even though it feels otherwise at times)

anyway, right now i dont know whether to go back to bed for a few hours, or get up and go get some lunch...mmmm....i think i might go out.
so what if i fall asleep on my night shift, right??..

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