

oct 15 - work sucks [2003-10-15 @ 3:53 p.m.]

starting music: 'numb' - holly mcnarland

the grrl and i went out to dinner with linnie and nene last nite..and it was a really good nite. sam and i dont often catch up with any of the others (unless it's rainbow room nite), so yeah..i had a good time. we met up at some dinky lil afghani resturant on brunswick street..and i gotta say, at first i was a lil freaked out a the thought of afghani food - but god it was awsome!! *drooling*..
linnie seemed a bit..errr...strange distracted..and didn't really have much to say...and i've gotta say i'm a bit worried about her. i've been having weird dreams and gettin all kindsa funky vibes about her and i have no idea what it all means..so yeah..maybe next time i'm in the valley and i get a chance i will kidnap her and see what's going on in that head of hers..cuz i worry about her..

remember how the grrl has the rest of the week off??
well this morning, at 11, she got called in to work..fuckers..apparently there is no one in that damned company who can do what sam does, so her plans had to be ruined and she had to rush in..%*$#@^%$!...it was so cute though..after she got off the phone she came in the bathroom (cuz i'd just had a shower) and she was all teary eyed..at first i thought something bad had happened..and then she grabbed me and hugged me and whimpered "honey i gotta go in to work...i hope you're not upset"..upset?? upset?? my god..i dont know how anyone could be upset at anything as adorable as her..so she went in (but not before we went shopping) and god only know what time she'll be home. i know she loves her work, and takes pride in it - but i hate how her bosses don't appreciate the effort that she does put in to give them the best that she can...so yeah..that's my gripe..
i'm kinda glad she got called in..or at least, am glad she's not around the house today - cuz i'd NEVER be able to stop looking at her long enough to work on this damn assignment...hehehe...speaking of which, i should go..

ending music: 'hey pretty' - poe

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