

august 30 - cops [2003-08-30 @ 5:38 p.m.]

i just walked in from a long day out with the family (yes, i'm back at mums - drove down this morning) to find my daily horrorscope waiting for me in my inbox..

"You can probably sweet talk your way in or out of any situation you need to today, dear Aquarius."..it assures me..

which is kinda ironic..considering today i got my FIRST EVER driving violation-ticket-thingy...*pissed off*

and i wasn't able to talk my way outta the $105 fine..

fuck the cops and their fucking tickets..
and fuck yahoo and it's stupid 'scopes..

*taking a deep breath*

ok, so i'm just venting..i really dont mean that..
cops have a job to do - and if it involves following me 10kms out of their way to wait until I pull over and then breath test me and tell me i was driving in the wrong lane and THEN bust me for not displaying my plates...then ok, i guess that's my fault..

i'm still not gonna rush out and pay the fine, though...still haven't paid my school fees...


anyway...i've only been gone 8 hours and i'm already missing the grrl like crazy...
i miss her smile and her touch...
it's gonna be a long fortnight..

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