

april 18 - good friday [2003-04-18 @ 10:18 p.m.]

normally good friday is the one day of the year that i hate most (afterall, it means no red meat and crap on tv all day long), but today was pretty enjoyable as far as good friday's go.
the grrl and i went of to werribee today to have lunch with mum, pog and the others, and apart from the fact that 85% of all the food was seafood, we still managed to fill ourselves *laughing*..

my family think it's so ironic that as lesbians, the grrl and i refuse to eat fish...and as much as i try to explain to them that lesbianism has nothing to do with fish, they just don't listen...but i guess it gives them something to harass us about...

speaking of harassing...i offered pog $5 if he'd eat an oyster for me..and i wasn't going to leave him alone until he did it. it took a little big of coaxing, but eventually he gave in to the thought of some extra pocket money and he decided to give it a go. it was so funny...watching him slowly work his way up to taking it out of the shell, to putting it in his mouth. i don't think he realized that the easiest way to eat those things are to just close ur eyes and swallow. but he gave it a few nibbles. he didn't eat the whole thing (i don't blame him), but i did give him $1 in small change for his efforts *L* i am such a bitch...but it was funny. although, at one stange he shoved it in my face and from just the smell of it i started dry-wreaching and thought i was going to bring lunch back up. but thankfully i got it under control...serves me right, i guess *L*

so tomorrow mum wants to go up home for the day, just to pick up some stuff that she forgot to bring to melbourne. after her little episode last week i don't really like the thought of her travelling all that way on her own, so i'm gonna go with her. i don't really wanna leave the grrl at the moment, coz everything's just been so good between us since we got back from churchill, but i'm sure a day apart wont kill us.

after lunch, we went up to rach's so that we could take her a plate of prawns for her dinner, and she said that while she didn't think that the grrl and i would get thru this last little tiff of ours, that she was glad we managed to sort it out. and i am too..
as much as the grrl pushes my buttons and infuriates me in a way in which no one else ever has, i also couldn't imagine my life without her...
sometimes i think we are destined to be together..because we've been through quite a bit of shit since we got together, but still, we keep on working through it and sorting it all out. which is more than i can say for some couples. mind you, i think playong the playstation has done wonders for us bonding lately! *laughing*...so much so, that i think i'm developing RSI in my thumbs...they are soooo sore..
but anyway...i'm babbling..

i was thinking a lot about dad today. coz this easter is the last of the "first time without dad" occasions...i was sitting there today, watching everyone eating and hogging into their prawns, crayfish and oysters, and all i could think was "fuck, wouldn't the old man love to be here right now"...he was such a lover of food...which always amused me, considering he was a skinny little imp of a man who looked like he could use a good fattening up. last easter, he was in bed kinda sick, and even back then, i never thought for a moment that he wouldn't be here with us to see this easter...i miss him heaps...and think of him more than i'd probably admit, but it doesn't upset me any more. i mean, i do feel a little sad that he's not getting to share special occasions with us, but it certainly doesn't upset me like it used to.

today over lunch, the topic of my graduation came up, and mum was saying how she'll be bringing dad's ashes along to the ceremony. at first i was horrified of the thought of my mother carrying a huge-ass urn around, but then the thought made me smile. dad wanted to see nothing more than me finish uni..he so much wanted to be there to see me in my cap and gown, and watch them hand me my scroll...so no wonder mum's so adamant that she's going to bring his ashes along...
i just don't know how my *colleagues* are going to react to a little white-haired old lady carting a huge-ass ceramic urn (with fish all over it) around. but i guess i'll deal with that when it happens...
afterall, graduation is a looooonnnngggg way off.

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