

march 31 - almost april [2003-03-31 @ 10:53 p.m.]

i'm so tired...but really, i can't bring myself to climb into my big, empty bed..*yawning*..

julie and i left boronia at 7 this morning, and made it to uni sometime after 9...god...if i didn't mean i got to spend an extra nite at home curled up around sammie, i really wouldn't ever want to travel from boronia to churchill of a morning..*more yawns*..definately not
thankfully our morning class was running late anyway, so we didn't have to try and sneak in and interrupt everyone. we did, however, skip the last hour of microbiology...coz really, that guy is about as interesting as snot..

but yeah..

so somehow in the last 6 days since i got paid, i've managed to tuck away almost $100 - which really explains why i couldn't figure out what i'd spent my money on...hahaha....anyway, i have decided that i am going to take my new-found savings and go pick up my joop lay by...it's been so long since i've bought myself any perfume/aftershave, so i figure it's time to splurge. or atleast, it's time to be able to justify splurging. i did want some more JPG for men, but the cheap-ass huge-savings store i went to didn't have any, but they did have a huge, mega bottof of Joop! Homme for $85, which is pretty bloody cheap, considering i've often spent up to $100 on just the middle sized bottle...
so yeah...as of tomorrow afternoon i should be smellling pretty good *laughs*...

anyway, it's late...and i'm tired....and maybe i will have to give in and go jump in my big empty bed...

mmmm...at least it's only 3 sleeps until i go back home...which isn't that bad..

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