

march 26 - the weekend [2003-03-26 @ 5:10 p.m.]

my book case was delivered just before 2pm, and i've only just finished re-arranging and cleaning up my room..

FUCK what a battle it was to get everything to fit somewhere.
the whole idea of the bookcase was to give me more room and less clutter..but now, it almost seems as if yes, i do have more room, but i also have more clutter...aagghhh...it's so fucked...
i am very particular when it comes to my bedroom, and now i really fucking hate how it looks...*ugh*..

oh well..i always have next week to fix it..

so tomorrow is thursday...and thursdays mean two wonderful things (1) sleep in, and (2) - GOING HOME TO MY GRRL!!! *woohoooo*...but thanks to 4 hours of labs, i won't be getting home until about 8pm. but late is better than never..and late also means that we're both pretty tired and we get to spend the rest of the night cuddled up together on the loungeroom floor...*smiling*...which is what i look forward to most at the end of a long and boring week..

so yeah...i handed in my transtitions assignment today only to realize i MADE A MISTAKE!!! jesus christ...after all the stress i gave myself trying to get it in on time, i figure out AFTER it's been handed in that i fucked it up! and to make it worse...i didn't have it with me on disc, so i had to re-type the whole bloody thing..*grrr*...

and then...then...THEN...as if that wasn't enough. after handing it in the second time, i remembered that i hadn't signed it...*grrrr*...

but yeah..finally it's handed in and all over and done with...

and god i can't wait for the weekend..

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