

march 19 - way too early.. [2003-03-19 @ 6:06 a.m.]

my silly sisters SMS'd me sometime after 5 this morning, totally destroying the kinky lovely dream i was having about the grrl...i swear, if i had have had any credit in my phone, i would have messaged her right back abusing her.
really, who sends people messages at 5am??

i was going to go back to sleep, but yesterday's meal combination of egg & lettuce sammiches for lunch, and tacos for dinner is wreaking havoc on my intestines, and i have the biggest stomace ache..like the ones you get when you need to go to the toilet, but you can't go just yet..

so yeah..

i left my computer on last nite, so that my grinspoon cd could download, and this morning when i got up to check them i saw my ICQ flashing..it was a message from the ex. turns out i went to bed about 2 minutes before she sent it, which is a pity, coz i would have liked a chat with her...
i was temped to SMS her, but after my little rant about my sister, it'd be a bit hypocritical, dontchathink?

the early morning news is on at the moment, and all anyone's whinging about is saddam and this fucking looming war...

jesus christ..doesn't ANYONE remember osama??

or have they all forgotten about the few thousand people that he killed in new york a few years ago??
seems to me, that dubya is going after the wrong guy..i mean, saddam might be a prick, but his people seem to love him, and apart from his weapons he hasn't done all that much wrong lately - so who in the fuck do the americans think they are by storming into his country and telling him how *they* think he should run it?? i mean, could you imagine what would happen inn saddam waltzed into the oval office and told bush "if you don't stop being a moron, i will blow your place up"..??

*shaking my head*

and stupid little johnny howard...well really...he needs his ass kicked, too...coz it makes me wonder, does her really believe that war is the answer..or is he just being a good little lap dog and following dubya's lead??
it's all so fucked..
each time i hear about our troops being deployed to the gulf, it makes me cringe..

this is not our war...

hell, this isn't even most american's war..coz like, aren't a huge percentage against it anyway??

this IS bush's war...so why don't they send him and his towel-head hatin family over there to sort it out??

really.... i wish clinton was in power still (eve if most american's dont agree with me..*laughs*)...that man may have thought with his dick, but at least his dick had more sense than all of dubya put together..


maybe i should just go back to bed...

or move to france.
they seem to have it all in perspective.

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