

march 19 - morning whinge [2003-03-19 @ 8:32 a.m.]

bleehhh..this morning, when i went back to bed, i had decided that i would sleep in and skip my first lecture..but just as i was about to doze off into bliss, the guilts came over me and my subconscience started screaming at me "don't start skipping classes this early in the semester, young lady!!!"..so i got up, had a shower, and got all my stuff ready..

i don't understand the difference between robbie and i (except for the fact that i'm about 16 years older)...we get up at the same time..i have a 15min shower...do my hair..iron my clothes...get dressed...make my lunch...pack my bag...have breakfast...and still have time to transfer 15songs from my PC to minidisk.
all he has to do is get up, get dressed and have breakfast, and STILL he manages to take 10minutes longer than i do.

i've been driving the little shit to school of a morning...but this morning, he got shitty coz i wouldn't swap my french onion le snak for one of his apples...hahaha...so he stormed down to his roomand started throwing toys around. i swear, the kids has issues with food...he's fucking obsessed...
*shaking my head*
i'm not saying he eats alot..he is o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d..like...totally...it's the first thing he mentions when he gets up in the morning, and the last thing he talks about before bed. he dreams about food...it's scary...
so yeah...he got shitty, and stormed off down the street screaming obsenities at me. at least the walk will do the fat little fucker some good..heh heh heh..
not that i can talk...
but..he is 16 years younger than me, and almost 2/3 my size...


i'm beginning to think that maybe i should have slept in...


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