

march 18 - babble [2003-03-18 @ 12:24 p.m.]

i dreamt about the ex last nite...
the same ex who used to fill my head all those months ago, who now i rarely even stop to think about...i dreamt about her for the first time in a long time...it wasn't a nice dream, and i wont go into details, but i really wish that i wouldn't..

sometimes, though, i think my dreams about my ex are my subconscious mind's way of kicking my conscious mind's ass and saying "hey, you should think about her", or "oi, it's time to call her" or whatnot..

i messaged ex earlier on last week...and i bumped into her new grrl last thursday...and i thought that i would have heard something from her by now, but nothing...normally, we email/message/call each other every week or so, just to say "g'day"..but for these last few weeks (maybe since she came over for dinner), i haven't heard anything..

not that i'm concerned...because i know it's normal to not hear from people...but i always worry when i dream bad things about her, because normally my bad dreams coincide with something bad in her life...

*shaking my head*

but yeah..

i have a meeting in 15minutes...i have to decide whether i want my next clinical in the emergency department or the intensive care unit...they're both really intense places...but i know that (as a student) i wont be able to do very much of anything in either, as i'm not trained...
but i think ER might be the go, coz at least it will be exciting. I doubt I'll do much more in ICU that sit on my ass and just observe patients and write notes...so yeah...looks like ER could be it...just put me in the ER"..but anyhow..

i'm pretty pissed at the moment coz i got an overall PASS for last semester's nursing unit. yeah, a pass is a pass, but a pass in nursing is not good enough...i want more, goddamnit!..i have taken it up with lecturer chick, who will hopefully have a talk to ex-lecturer chick, and maybe i will get a mark that i deserve.
i know that university policy is to give a pass for a late piece of work...but a pass added to my (not-so-bad) exam result should have at least earned me a credit, maybe, if not just a tad higher..

so i'm going to follow this up...because it's not my fault that i didn't fo the assignment and hand it in on time..

but now i'm babbling..

i've been in the emailcash forum for the last 30minutes, reading everyone's posts about "OMG, Bush has declared WAR!", and i've gotta say, i'm over it..
sure, war is looming (and it has been since 9/11/02)...but until some iraqui bastard bombs melbourne or sydney or canberra, i'm not going to freak out and wait to be killed...it's all so insane really...

but at least if war does break out, no one will care about my pass in nursing..hehe..

although i shouldn't joke about that...

anyway...meeting time.

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