

jan 14 - pfft [2003-01-14 @ 12:55 p.m.]

so last nite i spent a good 3 hours unpacking boxes and doing all that i could to make my bedroom inhabitable again..and i must admit, it's looking pretty good (even if i do say so myself)..
i don't think the grrl was as impressed as i was though..in fact, she seemed pretty pissed that i'd made myself at home at home again, rather than keeping my shit packed just waiting for her to ask me to move back in. the grrl and i have had a pretty strained day, which is bizarre, considering we're 2 hours away from one another. but pretty much from the moment i woke up, everything's been nuts. from our sms's to our emails, it's all been bad and bitchy and all fulla shyte that i'm just not preparred to deal with today.
she just can't ever seem to *relax*, and take the day as it comes..no, instead we have to talk, and discuss, and analyze stuff...and go over our issues...and talk about our relationship...and admit what we're doing wrong. when really, all i wanna do is just curl up in a ball on my bed and enjoy the peace and quiet.
she tells me i'm unloving and uncaring, because i'm not preparred to break the serenity to fight with her (via email, no less)..sure, if i were back in melbourne with her i would talk and discuss and even analyze...but from here, and via a computer - i just don't see any sense in it..

anyway...for the last few hours we've been emailing, but it's all come to a rather sudden end. so i'm going to go home...go to my room...jump on my bed, and enjoy the peace and quiet...

i'm so over everyone's shit...and i'm not, for one more minute, waste another moment humoring people with theirs.

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