

oct 29 - unreasonable [2002-10-29 @ 6:53 p.m.]

she called me at uni, to ask about why i'm so unreasonable at the moment - and i had no idea what to tell her..so i pretty much clammed up..

so i emailed her..not too long of a mail, just tried being sweet and succinct and admit that i am a cunt, but that i have no idea why..but i felt that wasn't enough, so i called her once i got home..
just hearing hear voice makes me melt..i can not wait to get home to her tomorrow..i want to grab her and kiss her and hold her and cry into her shoulder and promise her that i will never act like this again..i want to open up my heart and soul and tell her what everyone else knows..that i love her more than anything, and i've never known a love like this...
it amazes me that i can feel this way about someone - that i can feel so strongly about one person - and then treat them so badly...*sigh*

anyway..i'm heading home to her tomorrow..and i'm going to make the few days that we get to spend together before i come back here to finish my exams PERFECT - or at the very least, i'm going to try very hard.

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