

sept 30 - road kill [2002-09-30 @ 10:16 a.m.]

listening to:

well it's been a while since i've written anything in here, mostly because i've been too damned busy to get near a computer - and i swear i've been having withdrawls..

so simone and i left melbourne at 5:30 on saturday morning, and arrived here (in broken hill) at about 5 that afternoon (give or take half an hour for the silly time difference)..and while my time here has been short, it's definately been an eyeopener..
i'm a city girl born and bred, and even thought i've spent the last 6 years in gippsland, this place was nothing that i expected...it's a fairly big town, with nothing but dust, rocks, kangaroos and emus for about 300kms in each direction...it's a nice place though, and i'd like to come back and spend some more time up here...even if it is slap-bang in the butt ass middle of nowhere.
the last 3 hours of the drive was an eye-opener, as well...literally...for the last 300kms sim told me that i had to keep my eyes open and warn her of any animals that might be on or near the road...in fact, she was so paranoid about hitting something that she drove right slap bang in the middle of the road *laughing*...luckily there were only about 10 other cars on the entire 300km stretch...10 cars but thousands of kangaroos and emus. until saturday, i'd never seen an emu in the wild before - so seeing hundreds of them was just insane...great big ugly birds they are, and i can only imagine the damage they'd do to your car if you hit one...i swear i counted about 400 squished and mangled ones on the side of the road (trust me, there was nothing else to look at for that 3 hour part of the drive up here *laughing*)

but yeah..i was supposed to stay up here in brokendown hill until wednesday (pay day) but my dumb-ass cunt of a sister is up to no good and really giving mum grief, so i'm heading home to kick her ass...it's so fucking typical each time i leave the state that someone has to do something to cut my trip short...
but just between us, i've been missing the girl like crazy, so at least i'll get to snuggle up with her sooner...i wasn't looking forward to 6 nites apart from her, anyway..

oh well..i'd better stock up on munchies and pepsi for my 15hour bus ride home...

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