

july 24 - still sick [2002-07-24 @ 9:19 p.m.]

listening to: 'go no further' - bluehouse

ok, so it wouldn't be a proper entry if i didn't start by saying "i miss the grrl"..but i don't wanna dwell on that..coz the more i think about missing her, the more unbearable being away from her seems..*sigh*
it's only wednesday, but i'm already planning my great get-away outta here..classes finish @ 5pm on friday - and godammmnit i'm gonna be at that train station by 5:20 in time to catch my 5:30 train..

but enough of that..
at the moment i feel really sick...not ikky snotty sick, but really lethargic and near-death sick. damn that monster child for sharing his infectious cooties -damn him to hell!..all i've wanted to do all nite is curl up in bed, but i've actually had homework to do..it's hard to get back into the swing of studying for 4 hours a nite, but i'm determined to do it.

anyway..for now, i'm really over staring at this damned machine so i'm off to bed.

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble