

july 23 - snot 'n stuff [2002-07-23 @ 7:34 p.m.]

listening to: 'way of all things' - rebecca's empire

ok it's official - 2 nites away from the grrl is just too damned much..
i just got off the phone from her - she called me for our nightly chat..she callled me this morning, too....god i love that voice. i think i could sit on the phone and just listen to her talk..
i remember the nite of our first *date* together - she picked me up from dandenong station and i was so nervous and she just talked and talked and talked...damn did she talk...- maybe she was nervous, too - but it was gorgeous. i think that was the nite that i fell in love with that voice..*sigh*
but that's enough reminiscing...

i've thought about her so much today...wondering what's she's doing...wondering how she's feeling...wondering if she's missing me...wondering if she hates this time we're having apart as much as i do. well, not that i hate it...just that i'd prefer if it were less...
i'm glad i'm back @ uni, though..i'm much happier when my brain is ticking over time and i've got stuff to think about.
this afternoon in my science lecture i bumped into a friend of mum's - she's doing nursing, too - and she asked me about the family and stuff and i told her about dad..and as i said it this teeny-tiny little tear trickled down my cheek..it made me sad, but once the lecture began it went away...so, yeah, i'm really glad i can use my classes as a distraction...

so this god damned cold won't go away, and it's driving me nuts..all day today i've felt like i've had a head full'o histamines, so i've sniffed and sniffed and sniffed..and on the one occasion that i did try to blow my nose - it bled..so it looks like i'm gonna have to deal with being a skanky little snot monster until it goes away..and if it's anything like the

dreaded lurgy of last year - that might take some time..
*wiping snot on my sleeve*

so tomorrow i've got a full day of classes - gender and reproduction *ugh*..and thursday i've just got a lab in the morning. normally, i would be on the first train home to the grrl after that lab, but friday i have some stupid ethics workshop..fuck..we only have them 3 times a semester, and it just so happens that the first on is this week - when all i want to do is go home and curl up with sam. it goes from 9am-5pm, and the last train to melbourne leaves morwell @ 5:30pm, so i'm gonna have to do some real smooth talking to get outta there early to make it to that train on time.
saturday is our 9 month anniversary and there's no way in hell that i'm going to miss curling up with sam on that morning..
but for now, i'm gonna go have a shower, shave my legs, cover myself in tea tree oil and hop into bed - - - - - and dream about the grrl...

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