

july 7 - detachment [2002-07-08 @ 12:29 a.m.]

listening to: "my number" tegan & sara

i just opened my email and my horiscope for today said "Be careful of becoming too detached from the situation, dear Aquarius"..and i think that is definately my biggest flaw..i am always too detached about things..tonite sam told me how i am too blase about everything...even about the really big things that really matter...and i know that i am...but that is very much me and i am who i am. i can see how my being detached, blase and aloof would drive her crazy..fuck, sometimes it drives me crazy...but i don't think i'm capable of being any other way...

i'm thinking i could write more about this right now, but what i really should do is write an email to the grrl..

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