

june 15 [2002-06-15 @ 11:23 a.m.]

god i can't believe that it's actually been over a month since i last wrote..

well, lots has gone on in the last 30 days, and i don't really know where to start. i think that the best thing is that the grrl and i are finally living together, and it's the most amazing case of domestic bliss...funny thing is - i'm not even sugarcoating that *laughing*
..every thing is just so perfect, and i'm so goddamned happy that it almost feels surreal.

just being here with her...in *our* place...it's so amazing. it's great not having to spend all of our weeknights apart and waiting for the weekends to come around. it's fantastic getting to fall asleep curled around her every nite, and wake up next to her every morning.
mind you, i've fallen into the betty-home-maker role a little faster than i had anticipated, but it's all good.
i even laugh at myself sometimes, and think that if it weren't for the fact that i'm supposed to be a great, big, scary lesbian, then i'd make a great housewife *chuckle*.

but being here, and being with sam has been soooo good for me. as much as i admit i can still be a little cunt, i think i've definately become more aware of people's needs other than my own. there are two of us here, and i don't think that a day's gone by in the last month where i've thought of ME rather than US.
and i cook! good god..each day at about 4:30, i start preparring a meal so that my grrl can eat as soon as she gets home from work! *laughing*..hell, if you knew me you'd understand how amusing that is, coz i'm the kind of person who used to walk several kilometers in search of take away food, rather than have to cook myself (or anyone else) a meal..

so there you have it..

for those of you who noticed my absence and were wondering where i'd been *smiling at the hedge grrl* i'm safe...sound...and extremely fucking satisfied *big grin*


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