

april 11 - babble... [2002-04-11 @ 8:59 p.m.]

listening to: 'breathe in slowly' - george.

thankfully my period went as quickly as it came and i am in a much better mood.

but unfortunately during it's 3 day course i went on some kind of verbal rampage and managed to piss off a few too many people...oops..

but it's gone now...it's over...at least for another 24 days.

so today has been a long day.
in fact, this week has been a long one and it is only wednesday. god, can you believe i didn't even know what day it was? i just had to look up at the tv and figure out what day it was from what was on tv...now that's truely sad *shaking my head*
anyway, so today is wednesday..and tomorrow is thursday...and tomorrow is the day that i leave this place and jump on a train and head down to melbourne to be with my girl. god, it's only been *counting with my fingers* 4 days since i saw her last, and it seems life forever. but i find some peace in the knowledge that this time next month her house will be ready and neither of us will have to *go home* once the weekends end..and neither of us will have to live out of backpacks and suitcases...and there will be nore more *5 day stretches* apart (at least until uni goes back for me).

so yeah..

sam called me tonite, on the home phone rather than on my mobile. and i swear it took me about 10seconds to figure out it who it was. i mean, i know sam's voice..i know it like i know my own...but for 10 whole seconds i was truely stumped. at first i thought "i know this voice...it's my baby" and then i thought ""nah...she always calls my mobile...it has to be someone else"...and then she let out a little laugh.
(god i love that laugh)
and i knew it was her

but yeah..she called me..and we arranged my trip to melbourne and meeting up and all that stuff..we arrange this weekly, but tonite for some reason i was really excited while we were talking about it. i felt like a 15 year old who was setting up her first *date*. even though we're far from our first date..but it still made me feel really giddy..it even gave me whoooshes.

but i really will be glad once all of these *weekend trips* are finished. i don't mind travelling 2 hours to see her - but it's just the 5 days in between trips that drive me crazy. i think i've done more trips from morwell to melbourne to morwell in the last 6 months than i ever have. but it's been good..it's taught me to appreciate our time together more than anything else ever could have - which is a good thing for someone like me.
i was sitting in the hospital today..i was there with mum (she's home and ok now) and i had a lot of time to kill so i just retreated into my head and started thinking about the most obscure things...then i saw something (can't really remember what) and it made me think os sam.
hell, EVERYTHING makes me think of her at the moment
but i digress...i was sitting there, staring at the wall, and i was trying to think of how my life would be or what i would be doing if i hadn't have gone to the bluehouse concert that nite..would she have still persued me?
would we have ever met up again?
would we be here?
would i still be single?
i just kept jumping from one thought to another, until it finally settled and i decided to just focus on being glad that she found me, rather than wondering what it'd be like if she hadn't...i have changed so much and learnt so much in the last 6 months...and discovery..
woooo..i have discovered so much.
about me..
about her...
about relationships.
the last 6 months with sam have been pretty challenging (in that good way), but good GOD have they've also been so rewarding..
and now, still, we're still discovering each other.
but surely.
i can't wait to get to melbourne. to be there with her. to lay next to her..
to just go in and discover more.


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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

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apr 13 - babble