

march 20 - more waffle [2002-03-20 @ 10:46 p.m.]

listening to: 'hello pretty' - poe

well i just got off the phone from linda about the whole renee/computer fiasco, and she told me that wedny's a liar and that renee has been making regular payments on the computer.

she even said that renee had shown linda reciepts to prove the payments.

mmmm...well, don't i feel like a bit of a dickhead.
i don't know who's lying anf telling the truths out in that town, and personally, i don't give a rat's ass - just as long as people don't bring my name in to it.
as i wrote a few days ago, i wouldn't put it past renee to lie..but now, after hearing this from linda, i need to put wendy into that same category aswell.

sometimes i just wish all these incestuous dykes in morwell would either fuck off, or forget that i ever existed and never mention my name again...at least linda pretty much tells it as it is and gives me some insight in to what's going on out there...sometimes i dont think i give her as much credit as she deserves

i'm just glad i didn't go off my knocker at renee, coz i would have felt like a real fuck wit.

but anyway, i'm over this whole topic now that i know that the loan is being paid off and that no one can come along and reposess my putie and my 10GIG of mp3's *laughing*

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