

march 15 - signs of sleep deprivation [2002-03-15 @ 3:22a.m.]

so i'm beginning to think that my insomnia thing is back...
it's 3am, and instead of being all warm and tucked away in my big empty water bed and dreaming about my girl, i'm sitting in the lounge room [freezing my ass off, i might add] typing up track listings for all the CD's i've burnt recently.
pathetic, eh?
but i'm beginning to think that these last few late nights are affecting me [this is the third nite i've been up past 2am] coz my brain doesn't seem to be cooperating with me tonite. i ddon't know if it really is sleep deprivation, illness or stress - but for some reason i had the same line of an ani difranco song going through my head, and i couldn't fucking think of it's title..and it's a song that i love...so for hours i sat here, clicking away on my keyboard, listening to CD's and trying to think of the name of this damn song....to no avail....it wasn't until i gave up and went in to my room in search of the CD that . the dreaded song turned out to be "Wish I May" for anyone who's interested...but it's still stuck in my head....like a fucking CD playing one line over..and over..and over...

"do you ever have that dream...where you open your mouth and you try to scream...but you can't make a sound...that's every day starting now...that's every day starting now..."

ok, so maybe that's more than a line....but it just keeps playing on and on and on...even now that i know what it's called.

but yeah...
why i'm writing about this shit is beyond me...*scratching my head* but why you're actually reading it is even further away.
not that that's gonna stop me from spewing out this shit...hehehe...
but for now..it's late...my fingers are freezing...and i feel like i'm experience the early signs of sleep deprivation so i think it's time to heaqd to bed.
only 2 more sleeps until i see the girl.
*BIG smile

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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble