

february 27 - ox tails, tongues, and anniversaries [2002-02-27 @ 11:50 p.m.]

ok..so it's almost midnight and i'm absolutely starving. mum and i had subway for lunch about 10 hours ago and i haven't eaten since..
no wonder i feel faint.

anyway, so 10minutes ago i head into the kitchen to raid the fridge, and i pull out what looks like a yummy dish of beef and vegie stew..mmmm could i have been any more wrong??
just as i'm about to put a heaped spoonful of it in my mouth, dad walks
"i didn't think you ate that?" he asked
"didn't think i ate what??" i asked..with the spoon still milimetres from my mouth
"ox-tail stew" he replied, as he took a fork and hoed into my bowl of food.
" i screamed as i dropped my spoon
"hehehehe" dad chuckled.
ox-tail stew..
OX-TAIL stew???
who in the fuck eats these kinds of meals????
y'know, I could prolly stomach ox meat stew...but the meat from it's tail??? good god, does my mother not know that the sole purpose of ox's tails are to swoosh and mooosh flies??? YUK!who voluntarily eats such things?? i could understand some poor little afghani refugee strolling across an ox and cutting him up and eating him and eventually having to resort to munching on his tail - but in australia??? what ever happened to good old chicken, fish, turkey, beef, lamb and pork??. ya know, yesterday i opened the fridge to find a cow's tongue staring back at me [my dad loves the shit] and now it's ox-tails...what is going on with my family??? anyway, i've come to the conclusion that i'm justn gonna go get myself a nice, ox-and-tongue-free bowl of special k.

oh yeah...4 months ago today the girl and i got together...woooohoooo ~ so happy anniversary to us *smiling*
well, actually...it's the 4 month anniversary of the day that we decided would be our marker...we actually got together sometime between the 22nd and 27th, but seeings as the 27th was the first time we...a'hem..*clearing my throat..the first time that well...ummmm...y'know.
so yeah..4 whole months..unfortunately we didn't get to spend today together, but i'm heading to melbourne tomorrow so i'm sure we'll celebrate it then. y'know, it may only be 4 months, but it feels as if i've known and been with sam for so much longer. not only that, but with sam i am such a completely different being that i was when i was with linda, or elly or anyone else. with sam, i can be 150% me and it doesn't matter. i can lay there naked and spread eagled and i don't really care if she looks [ok, so sometimes i do care, but it's better than nothing]. with sam, i feel as if i can do or be anything. sometimes i wonder if i am this new and improved version of dannii because of sam's influence, or if i changed my wicked ways because i learnt from my past mistakes that being a prude was going to get me nowhere. it's hard to believe that there was a time when i wasn't interested in whether or not my partner actually touched me, as long as i got to touch them. but no, god, i think i'd die if sam didn't touch me. hell, there are times when i actually beg her to fuck errrr i mean touch me..and that is something that i have never ever done before. sometimes i actually think that if sam and i were to break up, then i would have no interest in any other woman out there. i mean, it's taken me 24 years (well..9years if you count from when i became sexually active) to find someone who actually rocked my world and made me see sparks, and if i were to lose that i doubt i would ever find it again so quickly or easily. not that it's all about sex..coz i do love sam...i love her enough to feel that she is the *one*. i feel silly admitting that, because i must admit, there was a time when i thought that linda may have been my *one* - but i was never comfortable enough with linda to do the things that i can with sam - and there inlies the difference [to me, anyway].
i've never really been one to believe in *ones* or *soulmates*..but the older i get, the more i believe in it.
anyway..it's late, i'm tired and i've finally washed the peroxide out of my hair - so it's time for me to go to bed.
as i said before, i'm off to melbourne tomorrow to see my girl, and i can't hardly wait. this will be our 3rd night apart and i've gotta say, i'm fucking glad that it's only 3...i miss her...and i just want to curl up next to her and bury my heda in her shoulder.


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