

february 20 [2002-02-20 @ 11:24 a.m.]

fuck i'm really beginning to hate summer. not that we've really had much of a summer, but yesterday and today have been awful.
well, maybe they're not really that bad, but i'm just so used to being in air-conditioned heaven, that when i don't have air-con i feel like i'm going to die.
kater and i drove back to melbourne yesterday. before we left, my dad gave her a home-made-special-muffin which kept her quiet for most of the trip home..hehehehe which mean't that i did most of the yakkin. i love yakking with kater, coz not only is she one of the few people i know that makes sense, but i also think she's one of the few people whom i make sense to. so yeah.
after dinner last nite it was stillr eally hot, so we went up to alton beach. it's ont one of melbourne's nicest beaches, but we both love the pier there. it was still really warm out, so we sat on the pier for a while, watched the sun set, and went for ice creams before heading home in time to catch "all saints". it was nice. pity that our girlfriends weren't there with us - then it might have been nicer.
but last nite in bed was so hot and uncomfortable i thought that i was going to die. ok, so maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but it sure was an awful nite's sleep. and when i did manage to doze off (from heat-exhaustion and dehydration, no doubt), damn violet (the dog) begain barking her little tail-less ass off..

but enough of that

tonite sam is coming over here for dinner, and we're spending the night together out in keilor. it's only been 2 days since i saw her last, and i already miss her heaps. it's been a weird few days apart...it just seemed like everything between us was going crazy, but we weren't even together in person. i think it must have been the alignment of the planets or something (afterall, "when in doubt, blame astrology.." but yeah. i just get so paranoid when i get this feeling. i know sam and i love each other very much, but sometimes the idiot in me takes over and i fear the worse. she told me before [in an email] that she wants to talk to me tonite, and although she said it was nothing bad, i still feel a little weirded out by it..

but more on this later...someone needs the phone

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