

january 18 - fucked up... [2002-01-18 @ 2:01 p.m.]

today's been a prick of a day...

the girl and i had a fight this morning [actually, it was a continuation of a disagreement from last nite]....BIG fight...you know the kind where you actually think "...fuck i really think that this is unresolvable..." well yeah..that's how it was.

the source of the fight was actually quite silly...but the fight itself was pretty painful. she got out of bed this morning...had a shower....packed her bags...screamed at me and left. she just left.
so i got up, found a pair of her pants and threw them at the bonnet of her car.
she came back in, yelling at me and telling me how she felt as if being with me was a waste of time. to which i screamed back
"..yeah...obviously it is. goodbye..." this infuriated her like no other and she left.
wow...i went back to bed and cried. can you believe it??? i actually cried. i know i love sam, but i didn't think i was at the stage where i'd shed tears for her. obviously, i was wrong.

so for the rest of the morning i felt like a cunt. i was angry and hurt, but there was no way in hell i was going to call and apologise. hmph....the fact that she just packed up her belongings and left really cut me to the bone. in fact, i think that act alone was the most painful thing that sam had ever done to me.

i have this real issue with people just packing up and leaving. i figure, if you love some one, then stay and sort it out - it's not that hard...but i am a persistent little fucker, and i'd put up with anything for the chick i loved.

but yeah...sam and i have spoken and SMS'd a few times since she left this morning, and things are still a little tense...so who knows..

but i' hate to think that it's going to end here..


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