

november 11 - it's almost monday... [2001-11-11 @ 4:42 p.m.]

yay..*smiling*...it's 4:42pm on sunday afternoon, and in less than 24hours and i will be at the airport with the girl...since thursday i've done nothing but wonder to myself "...is it monday yet???...", to which anyone and everyone around me responds [rather loudly] "..NO! it's not.."..hehehe...what can i say ~ i miss her.

but on a different note ~~~~~ i went out last nite and caught up with simone.
GOD it was good to see her again...it feels like FOREVER since she went back to brokendown hill.
she came down with some friends (naomi, sharon and blah-the-boy) and we all went to the glassy and came back and somehow all managed to crash here in kater's room...kate, ant and i all squished in katers bed, and the simone and co crashed on the floor. at about 4 a.m janet (kate's house mate) woke up and came in and was ever so surprised to se so many tired heads on the floor...we must have all looked like quite a sight...

anyway...i'm wrecked and i need some more sleep...hopefully i'll have more to write once the girl gets back *naughty grin*


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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble