

november 8 - parents [2001-11-08 @ 11:34 a.m.]

talk about a rude awakening this morning.

dad barged into my room screaming

"...get your lazy ass outta bed and go help your mother!!!!!..."

i was like

"...uumm..ahhhh....errrrr *yawn*...what the fuck???...."

my father (who never talks to me...let alone barges into my room and down-right screams at me) and mother had apparently had a fight this morning about how mum never gets any help around the house. so instead of him helping her, he thought he'd do his part by yelling at me to help her.

go figure...

so i get up outta bed and ask mum

me - "..what do you want me to do?.."

mum - "...nothing...*sniff sniff*..."

me - "...oh....ok then...i'll be in my room if anyone needs me..." *i waddle back into my room and climb under the doonah*

**35 seconds later dad comes barging in again**


me - *mumbling to myself* "..here we go again..."

so i get up...crawl outta bed for the second time...only to be told again that

mum - "..i don't need no fuckin help..."

for fucks sake...my parents are insane...and i am currently devising ways in which to get my revenge.

but for now....i'm going to go cheer myself up with some retail therapy..


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