

august 30 - settling in [2001-08-30 @ 6:50 p.m.]

well can ya believe it - i finally unpacked my room and am beginning to feel at home with mum and dad....it's taken just over 3 weeks for me to do it, but things are almost beginning to feel right..

i was supposed to stay at linda's again tonight, but i thought "fuck it" i am going to stay at home and start being part of the household. i can't run from it anymore..linda and i are no longer together- i no longer live in morwell - i may aswell face reality and just start living life for me. this is the first nite since just after the breakup that i have been home alone (well, i am not at home right now, but i will be later on)...for pretty much each nite since i left linda's i've had someone else in my bed, or i've been in someone elses bed...and tonight i actually get to spread out and begin to embrace this new-found single lifestyle.

don't get me wrong - i love staying with kater, and i love it when sim stays over, but i am now realizing that my always being with other people was my way of avoiding the "oh my god - i am alone" issue. i have been alone all day today and it feels great! yeah i miss linnie...and it's weird not having sim around (she's off tarting in melbourne *L*) but it's good to get some time with me where i can just hide out in my head and think.
and i am very much beginning to like what i find in there.....


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