

august 14 - the beginning [2001-08-14 @ 4:12 p.m.]

ok...so here it is. my very first entry here in diaryland *yay* so i guess i should introduce myself
i'm dannii, and i'm a 23 year old queer chick from australia.
this is my first time at the whole on-line diary thing, but after having spent many hours perusing thru other people's online diary's, i thought "what the hell".
actually, the main reason i wanted an on-line diary was to vent. somewhere where i chould just jot down my innermost thoughts and feelings and be able to read back over them later. maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but definately to look back at laugh at when i grow old and senile.
ok. so for the nitty gritty...last week (wednesday august 8th) my girlfriend of 2 years and i split up. actually, it was 2 years and 5 days - but who's counting *sigh*. my ex-girlfriend (let's call her linda - coz that is actually her name) and i met a few years ago thru some mutual friends...and ended up hitting it off brilliantly and falling in love. actually, the story is much longer and more interesting than that, but at the moment i don't really want to go into too many details.
linnie is 38 years old (a good 15 years older than little old me) and a wonderful mother to 2 pretty cool kids. the four of us lived quite happliy together for the most part of our relationship, and while i knew that we had our issues (what couples don't?) i didn't know that we were heading down this rocky road that is known as "split's-ville". so yeah..that's pretty much it...my life is a bit mixed up at the moment..coz after almost 6 years of living away from my family, i am now stuck back at home with my parents *sigh*
hopefully this on-line diary thing will be good for me...and it will be a good way for me to vent and let off steam...on the other hand, this could very well just be the first entry i ever make and y'all will never hear from me again.


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jul 2 - fuckers

jun 13 - bored

may 11 - GAMSAT

april 20 - adios

apr 13 - babble